EMPOW3R is a new and free employment program by delivered by Kiwassa in partnership with VEEES, tailored for adults who have experienced forms of violence, abuse and trauma, who are looking to find meaningful and rewarding employment.

We work with job-seekers to build confidence, relationships and resources. We connect job-seekers with great employment opportunities and specialized support.

Meet the EMPOW3R Team

Shannon Enns, Empow3r Facilitator
Jannette Oputa, Job Developer 2
Lysandra Chan, Trauma Counsellor

Call or Text: 604.306.9108
Program Email: Empow3r@kiwassa.ca

Please visit us at https://empow3r.ca/  for further details

FREE Early Childhood Education Training

In 2020, we decided to carve a niche in the child care sector due to the overwhelming need and response from the community. Wunderstand that the state of child care on a national and local level has reached acute proportions. We put forth a modest contribution in helping address the situation
Violenceabuse, and trauma impact all aspects of one’s life. With a focus on personal healing, the program aims to assist people in taking charge of their own lives while gaining skills for employment towards financial independence. EMPOW3R staff can be helpful to you on your journey of mental healing and social and economic transformation.

Fully Online!

EMPOW3R for childcare workers is open to individuals who wish to receive training to work in a variety of child care settings such as School Age Care, Family Drop-In Centres, or as support in Licensed Child Care Facilities. Candidates also have opportunities in preparing for their own child care business at their own homes! 

As well, this program assists participants in finding and maintaining employment, economic sustainability, and enhancing wellness through online classroom training. We promote peer support through this training. It is not uncommon that our participants become friends as they journey together.

Topics include in the 6-8 weeks of training:

Recognizing, understanding, and overcoming the impact of abuse

  • Health and wellness
  • Leadership in the workplace
  • Building job search skills and crafting resumes

At the end of the 6 to 8-week group workshop, participants receive the following certifications:

  • EMPOW3R Employment Program Participation Certificate
  • Early Childhood Education – Assistant Course (ECE-A) Certificate
  • Responsible Adult (Childcare Settings Course) Certificate
  • Emergency First Aid Certificate

Four weeks of work experience placement and support include: 

  • Volunteer / Unpaid work experience placement
  • Financial assistance and training allowance for program participation
  • Referrals to community services and access to Kiwassa and WorkBC Peer support and networking



EMPOW3R Testimonials

“I wanted to take some time to thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter the program, for putting confidence in me even though my level of English is not that good. I received many interviews as a result. Opportunities have opened up for me… the job I started is going very well…”

“I have seen a positive difference in my life. When I meet other women, I talk to them and I learn new things. The staff are friendly—they are great.”

“I noticed a positive difference in my way of thinking as I became more motivated to work and how to look for a job.”

“Also, I increased my confidence because I got to know some ways to develop my own abilities and as I increased self-knowledge by exploring my personality… I learned a lot of new words from teachers. This means that I am improving my English language skills.”

“Thank you for being there for us when we have problems. Thanks for your kindness, patience and humor. I am lucky to have a teacher like you. aAd no matter what kind of person I will become, you will always have your influence on me.”

“You taught me how to study, how to live and how to challenge difficulties. From you I learned what kind of person I want to be and what should I get from life. this means everything to me.”

Kiwassa Neighbourhood House has a team of staff that bring an eclectic range of education, professional training and experience to the work of Kiwassa, as well as passion, ideas and energy.

Meet our Team