Charitable Registration Number: 107573479RR0001
Did you know? Gifts of publicly traded securities make a HUGE impact while providing you with tax benefits. To donate securities to Kiwassa House, visit Canada Helps.
Kiwassa Neighbourhood House
2425 Oxford Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5K 1M7
United Way:
Designate a United Way Gift to Kiwassa Neighbourhood House: Name us in your campaign gift.
Kiwassa Community Fund at Vancouver Foundation:
Gifts are also accepted through the Kiwassa Community Fund at Vancouver Foundation, which helps grow our long-term capacity to serve our community. Donations to this endowment fund help grow a steady, predictable source of funding to sustain our long-term work in the community with children, youth, families, adults and seniors.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss giving options, including planned gifts such as a bequest, gift of life insurance, or securities, please feel free to contact or 604-254-5401.