Physical Distancing

- Kiwassa’s activity rooms, lobby, elevators, offices and other shared spaces have limited capacity.
- Building signage and floor markings are placed throughout Kiwassa.
- Physical barriers have been installed in customer service areas such as front desk.
- In person activities and meetings are designed to accommodate physical distancing.
Enhanced Cleaning & Sanitization

- High touch areas and surfaces, lunchroom, sinks, stairwells, elevators, and washrooms will be cleaned twice daily.
- Handwashing and sanitization stations are set up throughout the building.
- All persons entering Kiwassa are required to perform hand hygiene upon their arrival.
- Activity rooms and offices are equipped with sanitizers, disinfectants and disinfectant wipes.
- Kiwassa staff will sanitize their workspaces as part of their daily in-office routine.
- Kiwassa staff will sanitize the meeting or activity spaces, furniture, and equipment before and after use.
Health Declarations

- All Kiwassa staff have been trained on COVID-19 Safe Work Procedures and acknowledge and understand that they shall not come to work if they have any cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms.
- All clients and public are required to complete a Client Health Declaration prior to attending any services at Kiwassa or with any Kiwassa staff.
Masks & Face Shields

- Kiwassa common areas such as hallways, stairs, lobby and activity rooms are designated as masks mandatory zones.
- Exemptions will be made for children and persons who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons.
- Although all staff, clients and visitors are encouraged to bring their own masks, Kiwassa will have disposable masks available for those in need.