VNFN Addressing Food Insecurity in Vancouver

During COVID-19, people in Vancouver faced a food crisis that lasted long after the shelves were restocked. Many people became food insecure by losing employment and income, as well as access to affordable, nutritious food near home. With a model that is responsive to the unique needs and cultures of each neighbourhood, the Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks (VNFN) successfully stepped in to provide emergency food access, boosting food security for city residents during the pandemic. A recently released impact report quantified the importance of the VNFN’s work during this critical time period.

“When the pandemic hit, because of our existing work and relationships, we were able to rapidly respond and provide emergency food assistance immediately throughout Vancouver,” says Ian Marcuse, coordinator of the Grandview-Woodland Food Network. “Our network was able to implement initiatives such as pop-up produce markets, online gardening guides and workshops, and outdoor community meals in a timely manner.”