Thank You to our COVID-19 Response Partners

Kiwassa’s vision is to create a thriving community where all people are valued, connected, and secure. During this pandemic that means maintaining trusted systems of support and working with people and partners to build more socially just and resilient communities. Thank you so much to our partners, from organizations to individuals, who are taking an active role in this work with us, and who are making meaningful and impactful contributions to our community.
Thank you to our funders who support our work and allow us to continue running essential services while also responding to emerging needs:
Bosa Family Foundation
Community Food Centres Canada
Community Response Fund (A Vancouver Foundation, Vancity Credit Union, United Way of the Lower Mainland, and City of Vancouver partnership)
Thank you to partner organizations whose gifts of resources and time support us in delivering food and crucial supplies to people who need it:
A Bread Affair
Daiya Foods
Fresh Prep
Instant Imprints
One to One: A Children’s Literacy Program
Proctor and Gamble (Pampers Baby Diapers)
United Way of the Lower Mainland
Vancouver Soup Company
VanWhole Produce
Please visit our Donation page to make a contribution to Kiwassa’s work, and our Volunteer page to learn more about current opportunities.